Website Done! ・ サイトは済みました

“About this site and its future going forward”

Howdy! Welcome to the new and improve version of my portfolio and blog. It has taken me awhile to construct how I wanted the design and functionality to be, however I think I hit the jackpot with how everything is organized and communicated. I put a lot of sweat, blood (well… ok not blood), and heart into creating, in my opinion, an effective web page to showcase my interests and personality.

About the site

I struggled for a bit with deciding whether to create a blog from scratch using nextJS or utilizing one of many static site generators (SSG) that exist. A lot of time was spent with me overlooking the top of my laptop screen in the thinking man position. Boy, did I struggle. But I remembered the joys of stumbbling upon a blog and reading the thoughts and opinions of individuals that had a passion to share what they loved to do. I miss that. So I raised my shoulders back and decided to use a static site generator to help me express, convey, and elaborate more quickly and effortlessly my own thoughts and experiences. But which ‘SSG’ should use… There exists a lot of good generators (like 11ty), but I eventually decided to stick with good old reliable Jekyll. I spent a few days figuring out a design and later modifying it, and BAM! Whoosh! ZAP! This site was born!

Technical things about this site

What’s next?

Well? Goooood question, glad you thought that, and, if you didn’t, it’s okay, I still love you. Just adding some projects to showcase, translating a few things into Japanese, and writing some awesome blog posts for you to read is what’s next in the pipeline.

If you took the time to read this all the way through, thank you! I really appreaciate it! I hope this is a site you’ll bookmark and revisit every now and then. Until time next, See Ya Space Cowboy!