Shadow Ninjas

Steath-based platformer, for all ages, where the player must reach the goal while avoiding guards and light sources


“Shadow Ninjas” is a single-player stealth-based puzzle platformer that was created using Unity (2019.3.6.f1) during my Spring 2020 semester at the University of Illinois at Chicago for CS426 (Video Game Design). I was part of a group of three tasked to help program and assist in creative design. The goal of the player is to avoid getting caught in the light while solving various puzzles and reaching the goal at the end of each stage. There are four stages that ramp up in difficulty, with each one testing your patience and problem-solving skills. The executable can be downloaded and played below, see if you can beat all four levels and reach the credits!

Various screenshots of gameplay

:octocat: Github :arrow_down: Windows Release (v1.0) :book: Design Document