Japan Job Board

Final project for Database Systems at the University of Illinois at Chicago during the Summer of 2020. It is a website of jobs in Japan created using Java JDBC to interface with MySQL


My final project for CS480 (Database Systems) at the University of Illinois at Chicago was to develop a web database application using relational database management systems (MySQL). After much pondering, I decided to create a website where employers located in Japan can make an account and create job posts for potential employees. Those looking for a job in Japan can create an account themselves, and, during account creation, can easily fill out various information about themselves. Some examples are if they need visa sponsorship and their JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) level.

The administrator can view all created accounts on the database, and can filter and view account names and job descriptions with vulgar language. That way those spamming junk on the site can easily be deleted.

Technical Details

After creating a database to store users and job postings with MySQL, I used Java and JDBC to communicate with MySQL using CRUD operations. In the video above you’ll see the user’s password in plain text, but you’ll definitely want to encrypt them so it is hidden in case of a data breach. The styling of the site is done using Bootstrap.

The three strong entities are the Company, Person, and Job (each with their own primary key that’s an ID). There will be two login pages, one for a company and the other for an individual user, and that user can be either a job seeker or admin. Job Seekers have a relationship called view and apply for a job, and admins and companies can post, delete, and edit a job. Each user (Person) consists of a unique id, first name, last name, visa sponsor, user name, password, and language proficiency. Each company has a unique company id, company name, company bio, user name, password, location, and maybe a profile-pic. Initially I will log in as admin and add a few notable programming jobs in Japan and their requirements. Eventually a company will be interested in added their own job opportunities themselves, and when a job has beed found, they can delete their post, or edit it to rework new changes.

:octocat: Github